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    Monday, 23.12.2024, 22:11
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    Main » Articles » Sanatoriums of Crimea

    Sanatorium "Poltava"
    Arrangement. Sanatorium "Poltava " is unique, functioning the year round - a mud resort of Ukraine in Crimea, located on coast of Black sea with favorable natural-climatic conditions. Here you can pass a rate of sanatorium treatment. Sanatorium "Poltava" is first of all miracle dirts, mineral baths and curative sea air.

    Accommodation. In territory of sanatorium "Poltava" there are four cases on 210 places in everyone, and also the years base of rest consisting of 30 cottages. Having a rest live in double rooms with all convenience. Except for usual double rooms in cases there are numbers "Lux" and "Junior suite". Lux-number are equipped by satellite TV, a refrigerator, a mini-bar, the video-recorder, the conditioner. Living in lux-numbers, eat in a banquet hall. Cases are located in 10-15 meters from the sea, and there is an own sea beach. There are covered warmed transitions from sleeping cases in a water-mud baths that allows to accept medical procedures irrespective of weather and a season.

    A feed. A feed 3 single as a dining room:

    - The general table;

    - Dietary tables;

    - Under the custom-made menu in a banquet hall for living in numbers "Lux".

    Infrastructure. Sanatorium "Poltava" has the source of mineral water. In each number submission of hot water from this source is carried out. 2 swimming pools (first-with mineral water, and the second - with sea), a sauna, a banquet hall, bars, library, concert and dancing halls function. For convenience of visitors work: mail, a public telephone booth and simulators. Work and play rooms for children where with them tutors during procedures of parents are engaged. Excursions in noteworthy places of Crimea are spent.

    Beach. At the disposal of having a rest sanatorium "Poltava" the excellent sandy beach, being all in 10 meters from cases.

    Treatment.  Sanatorium "Poltava" has extensive medical-improving base. The basic methods of treatment in Saki town are: mud cure, treatment Saks by mineral water, physiotherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy.

    For treatment patients with following diseases are shown:

    - Illnesses and consequences of traumas of bounce-muscular system.

    - Illnesses and consequences of traumas of the central and peripheral nervous system.

    - Illnesses of bodies of digestion and a metabolism.

    - Urological inflammatory diseases, man's barreness.

    - Gynecologic diseases, inflammatory processes, barreness, a condition after operations on female genitals.

    - Leather: ekzeme, chronic  neurodermatitis, etc.

    During the last 12 years in sanatorium there pass course of treatment children and adults from zones радионуклидного pollution. Treatment is constructed on use of natural factors and methods of nonconventional medicine, medicines are applied in unusual cases that allows to avoid harmful influence of medicines on an organism.

    Category: Sanatoriums of Crimea | Added by: BuTbKa (12.03.2010)
    Views: 78716 | Comments: 102 | Rating: 0.0/0
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